Finger Lakes, Trout, Bass, and Walleye Charters
Rainbow Trout, Lakers,and Land Lock Salmon will be kicking off soon as the ice clears. Saturday may 7 2016 is the opener for walleye Black bass (smallmouth) can be fished catch and release on opener of walleye too. it looks like a great season. on a normal day we jig up approx 30 lakers along with a few rainbows and land locks all fish are fantastic eating grilled, broiled or baked. my wife likes cooking lakers she says you can’t over cook them. that works for me.. call captain buck to book a finger lakes charter or oneida lake walleye charter anytime at (315) 481-2320 We’ll get you fishing. families welcome bring the kids. I can still remember my 1st fishing trip with my grandpa.
